Meeting Weds 10/14 is postponed
October 14, 2020
The meeting Wednedsay October 14th, 2020 will be postponed to next week due to PSAT testing and a Senior Meeting at the same time. Please let Mrs. Freeman or Ms. Dumont know if you have any questions! See you next week! :)
First FCCLA Meeting of the 20/21 School Year!
October 07, 2020
We will be having our first FCCLA meeting IN PERSON on Wednesday, Oct 7th 1:30pm-2:30pm at the gazebo, located on the West Side of the student parking lot at Legacy. Please wear masks and make sure to social distance.
We will be announcing our 2020-2021 officers, and going over details for the year.
If you cannot join us in person, please join us through Google Meet: Join with Google Meet
Please let us know if you have any questions. See you Wednesday!
Meeting Summary 12/4/19
January 01, 2020
Updates & Reminders
November 15, 2018
Chipotle Fundraiser Tuesday 11/19 from 4pm - 8pm!
Post information on your social media so we can get as many people as possible, have them mention Legacy FCCLA or bring a flyer!
Membership payment is due to the Business Window Friday 11/22 by 3:00pm! Talk to Mrs. Freeman or Ms. Dumont if you have any questions!
We will have a meeting in E205 11/20 from 12:30pm - 1:00pm
Meeting Summary 11/20/19
November 20, 2019
Make sure to fill out the RED PACKET in the FCCLA drawer to become a member $10 fee due this Friday 11/22.
Food Drive
The crates are not full for the food drive that is going to FISH! Bring in food before or during 1st hour.
Families in Need Drive
Collecting Cash Donations for families here at Legacy
Don’t even need to go out to the store to pick something up, just bring in some money!
Bring in $5!!!!!!
Due at our December 11th meeting!
This is gives you 3 weeks to get donation money
Holiday Potluck
We are still determining the dates, but would you guys be interested?
No other dates would work because of Thanksgiving and Winter Break
Santa's Little Hackers
Come help “hack” toys to work for special needs kids
It will be here at Legacy on December 7th!!!
Freeman has more information
Community Service Projects
Give Us Your Ideas!!!!!
We want to do something at the beginning of the next semester
Start out 2020 the right way!
Some ideas we had:
Reading to Elementary Aged Kids
Doing something with animals
Book drive again?
State Leadership Conference
Very hard to explain until you are there, but we are going to try our best!
We’ll add more information as we go along
Sometimes coming up with a project and then matching it to one the categories is a lot easier than doing it the other way around
Take the quiz we will send out on GroupMe
It will help you to find what your interests are
State can connect to some of the projects you do in school
Can always alter them to fit
Especially Bollman students------consider doing this
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